
The exhibition at Stabbursnes Naturhus and Museum provides an overview of the different types of nature in Finnmark, from the plains to the outer coastline. The exhibition also shows traditional utilization of resources and the different cultures associated with the various nature regions in Finnmark.

The Plains
This section is mainly devoted to reindeer and traditional Sami reindeer husbandry, but also natural and human adaptation connected to the harsh winter climate of the Inland plains are discussed. The section also gives information on the major wetlands and wetland birds nesting there.

The river valleys
This section shows the county’s watercourses and valleys as well as traditional resource use in this area. Finnmark has some of Europe’s best salmon rivers. The salmon and salmon fishing is therefore given considerable attention. Furthermore this section deals with forestry and forest ecology as well as plants, animals and birds related to our birch and pine forests. The county’s agricultural history is presented as well.

The fjords
This section shows the county’s quaternary geological history, and the history of Stone Age settlements. The county’s arctic meadows are presented as well as the areas migratory waterbirds. There is an emphasis on presenting the historic and traditional way of living in our fjords  (the fjord- and coastal Sami culture).

The coast
This section is dedicated to the Barents Sea ecology and traditional use of marine resources. The emphasis is on presenting the county’s sea birds and their nesting areas on the  sea cliffs. Presenting the coastal culture, there is even a traditional “fisherman´s angling shed”.

Nature conservation
Finnmark is a large and diverse county. There are a variety of habitats from the Finnmark plain to pine forests and rocky coasts. The magnificent scenery of Finnmark gives us a particular responsibility to preserve nature for future generations. The exhibition also provides a presentation of Finnmark´s five national parks as well as protected nature areas in Porsanger.